All the information on my websites is such that I can rely on it.
The principle I stick with is that everything I write must be objective, in detail and verifiable. Simply put: ODEI™
BikeGremlin ODEI ™ resources
Video tutorials and demonstrations
Category-sorted list of all the videos:
Questions, answers and discussions (mostly bike and computer related)
BikeGremlin product and service recommendations

BikeGremlin project started in 2015, as a way for Relja Novović to publish his notes online.
Over the years, it has grown into something bigger, but still remained true to its original spirit:
Publishing objective, informative and tutorial articles and videos on various topics. ODEI™ as it’s “officially” called now.
Why is this called BikeGremlin?
What is Mostly harmless™ ?
First and only in-page advert:
Thank you for your support and understanding.

BikeGremlin Consulting
If you need any help, advice or information, see the BikeGremlin consulting pages.
My consulting pages, depending on the topic: