Should you buy a K&N (open, “higher-flow”) air filter? As a long-time user, I discuss all its pros and cons, so you can make an informed decision.
Iron horse related stuff
How to oil a K&N filter
How to properly oil a K&N air filter (after it has been thoroughly cleaned)?
How to clean a K&N filter
How to properly, thoroughly clean a dirty K&N air filter?
How to check if all the cylinders are firing
How to easily check if your motorcycle is firing all four of its cylinders? No special tools required! 🙂
How to (NOT) fix a motorcycle – and install an air filter :)
Installing an air filter on my Yamaha Fazer
Petrol/gasoline – CAUTION and safe handling
Safety and precautions when handling and dealing with petrol (gasoline).
Motorcycle wheel lacing explained & demonstrated
Motorcycle wheel spoke lacing basics explained.
Motorcycle wheel building basics (goes for bicycles as well)
The basic principles regarding spoked wheel design, lacing, and truing – goes for both motorcycles, and bicycles.
(Motor)bike wheel design basics
Motorcycle wheel design basics explained. Diameter, width, spokes, etc.
Motorcycle spoke & torque wrench set – by Warp9Racing
A motorcycle spoke key (nipple wrench) and tension-meter set by Warp9Racing.
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