A general explanation of how prices are formed, how marketing works, and how some Chinese stuff can be super-cheap without being a complete rubbish.
General info
General tips and advice for using the BikeGremlin resources
BikeGremlin on Rumble; backups; censorship
Why I’ve created a copy of all my YouTube videos on Rumble – and the pros and cons of the Rumble platform.
BikeGremlin’s SEARCH tools
How to easily find help and tutorials you need – and how to ask for help (post questions)?
My policy regarding what kind of topics I discuss and explain on my YouTube channel (editing, or content policy if you like).
Asking questions, advice, help
Basically – it’s best to use the BikeGremlin.net forum for any questions or comments. 🙂
Please use the BikeGremlin.net forum for any comments or questions.
If you've found any errors or lacking information in the video(s) - please let me know by commenting on the BikeGremlin forum.
You can comment anonymously (by registering with any name/nickname), but I think it is good to publicly document all the video additions (and especially corrections) - even if their author chooses to remain anonymous.