How to fix a stuck bicycle disc brake piston – when your pistons aren’t moving (retracting) evenly.
Replacing Shimano disc brake pads
How to replace (Shimano) disc brake pads? (on a gravel bike 🙂 )
Hydraulic brake hose working principle
Hydraulic brake hose working principle – fluid change, and air bubbles removal (and prevention) procedures explained.
Bicycle hydraulic brake service 04 – Brake bleeding demonstration
How to bleed old style Shimano hydraulic disc brakes (mineral-oil based hydraulic fluid).
An article explaining which fluid you should put in your hydraulic bicycle brakes.
Bicycle hydraulic brake service 03 – Bleeding explained
Hydraulic disc brake bleeding procedure (removing air bubbles) explained – why it’s done the way it’s done?
Bicycle hydraulic brake service 02 – Brake working principle
Why are hydraulic brakes so powerful, with great modulation, even without any servos? The working principle explained.
Bicycle hydraulic brake service 01 – Introduction
The introductory video for my hydraulic disc brake video mini-series.
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